Are you thinking of building a simple CLI and struggle with Shell Script Development?

Building a CLI with Bash can be cumbersome, especially if you are new to the to Unix shell world. Sometimes you just want to have a simple but more structured way of managing your scripts, without losing too much time for implementing different user inputs or command logic.

It is super easy with a Bash command line framework and CLI generator called bashly.

Introduction to bashly

Bashly is a command line application (written in Ruby) that lets you generate feature-rich bash command line tools.

Based on a yaml you can define your CLI commands, sub-commands, arguments, flags and even include additionals libraries. Impressive about bashly is its capability to allow almost anything you would do with a custom bash CLI, without losing any of its simplicity. The framework’s design is based on a super-lightweight philosophy and is open to let you as much complexity as you want - on the fly.


Why use a CLI?

The use cases and realization possibilites of CLIs are various. Most programming languages and frameworks come with libraries to handle shell based commands in their own way. My all time favorite is to build CLIs with Bash since it seems the most native and portable way to script in a unix environment.

Often it happens that we would write scripts within a project for CI/CD purposes that could be summarized in a CLI. Instead of having a bloated /bin/scripts within your project, using a project-specific CLI can be much more sustainable and approachable. A CLI built with bash has the advantage to be portable on any system that supports Bash.



Installation with Ruby gem

    gem install bashly

For alternative instructions check the offcial documentation.


Add bashly to your project

Create a folder within your project where you want to store your CLI source code.

    mkdir bash

Create configuration

    cd bash
    bashly init --minimal

Configure your CLI in the yaml to your needs

    name: cli
    help: run your scripts with style
    version: 0.1.0

See the documentation on configuration on how to add commands, arguments, flags, environment variables and dependencies.

Generate the CLI

    bashly generate

From here it is super easy to continue. Just adjust your code within the yaml and iterate the generation of the CLI file.

Also bashly supports tons of advanced features that you can check in the official docs.

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